Securing the environment and economy against pests.  Your business depends on having sound biosecurity strategies.

BBS Ltd offers generalist and specialist biosecurity advice and pest management planning services to help increase farm production and protect important ecological places and wildlife. 


How can we help you?

Dunedin scientists find new way to control possums after sequencing genome in world first. [See the link below] Could this be the beginning of the end for possums ravaging New Zealand? Dunedin scientists find new way to control possums after sequencing genome in world first | Newshub

New pest conifer rules for Tasman-Nelson all part of a journey to protect our special places from wilding conifer spread. BBSL was instrumental in developing a new approach for managing pest conifers and cats in the Top of the South. The links below explain some of the end points reached and how we helped shape new policy for pest conifers, feral cats and several other new pest plant threats in the two regions. The snip n chip proposal (original policy advice and development) for Tasman was worked on by BBSL in tandem with Nelson City Council, who are considering a similar bylaw.‘n’-chip-sought-regions-cats

Read about this great outcome for goat eradication for Banks Peninsula. BBSL associate John Simmons was a hearing commissioner on the Ecan RPMP development in 2017 and was instrumental in pushing harder for this eradication to occur within 10 years. 

Wilding conifer control - we need to finish the job. Last year the previous government slashed the wilding control national programme by 60-70 % meaning that most projects will struggle to maintain the gains of prior work, let alone tackle new areas. This is money and effort down the drain and needs addressing. Read below what Simon Upton - Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment - says about the idiocy of these funding cuts.

A new to New Zealand pest, gold or Asian clams, were found in May 2023 in the Waikato River between Lake Karapiro, Cambridge and Hamilton. These shellfish will devastate native riverine habitats and clog water supplies and dams. Read these articles to find out more about them. If you come across these dirty white / yellow clams report their location to Better Biosecurity Solutions Ltd or directly to the MPI hotline on 0800 80 99 66. Don’t forget to ‘Check Clean Dry’ any equipment you use (e.g. boats) that comes into contact with water bodies in the Waikato-Taupo-Rotorua area.

Dirty cruise ship could spell disaster for pristine Milford Sound. This article explains why Biosecurity is so important to protect our rich marine life. Think again before you book your next cruise!

See also Predator Free Cambridge steps it up - September 2018

Pruss outside Mokaihaha Hilton - July 2014.jpg

Peter Russell brings 28 years of experience in leading Biosecurity planning and operational initiatives, forging partnerships, fostering team unity and building enduring relationships.

More about Peter →

Peter’s programme delivered a highly successful result, for which he can take credit. His leadership qualities and demonstration of initiative to build team spirit and morale are also tremendous.
— John Simmons, former Group Manager, Waikato Regional Council


Develop Biosecurity Strategic Thinking and Policy Responses

I can help you align your policy and programmes with national or regional directions.

  • Writing and researching Biosecurity policy documents – fleshing out issues and options.
  • Develop and write pest management pathway plans.
  • Assist regional/district councils with regional pest management plan development.

Biosecurity Operational Planning and Oversight

Making it happen on-the-ground.

  • Develop and write operational plans, including individual farm plans.
  • Trouble-shooting, landowner/agency consultation.
  • Staff mentoring and filling in for absences.


Develop and Review Biosecurity Control Programmes

Simple and effective solutions for your biosecurity control programmes.

  • Revitalise and freshen programmes for existing pests.
  • Structured project management approach for dealing with new pests and projects
  • Ensure compliance or alignment with regional pest management plans.

Biosecurity Advocacy and Awareness Initiatives

Developing fresh ideas to spread knowledge and change behaviour in your audience.

  • Develop and write pest management campaigns (media, powerpoint, advertorials).
  • Co-ordination and ‘fronting’ of field campaigns.
  • Website and factsheet information developed and reviewed.


Coordinate Biosecurity Responses
with Others

Helping you maintain productive relationships with stakeholders through the duration of your project.

  • Pulling small or complex projects together.
  • Scoping, writing or reviewing of plans.
  • Make and maintain connections between agencies.

Biosecurity Tender and Contract Preparation and Review

Are you a contractor? I can help you write winning tenders to land the jobs you want.

  • Help contractors write standout tenders – alignment and hitting the key points.
  • Develop contract specs, focusing on outcomes and process.
  • Assist on tender evaluation panels – be an independent external expert.

Other Services

We also offer services customised to your needs, for example: farm biosecurity plans to prevent weed invasions on your farm, protect your waterways and better manage people, vehicles and equipment entering your property. 

See Also: Biosecurity Starts at the Farm Gate →

About Peter

View Linkedin →

I have 22 years in the wider ‘bio-business’, developing simple solutions to complex problems. I have experience in writing and reviewing plans and control programmes, inter-agency projects, and more. 

New Zealand is characterised by climate and habitat diversity and ever changing political situations: destroying pests is only part of the job! I believe that engaging with, and dealing well by people, is the key to solving biosecurity matters. 

Biosecurity is fast paced, evolves quickly and affects many of our lives and businesses. My principles are well aligned with the qualities needed to work in Biosecurity. I keep solutions simple and in plain English; seek collaboration; and introduce new ideas into the mix. 

I achieve better ‘bio-connections’ by thinking about the whole picture and seeing how things are for others. I can tailor unique responses to your current and future biosecurity needs to create better biosecurity outcomes for you.

See how Peter has been 'Improving NZ's biosecurity, from home in Cambridge'  (January 2017).

Read about Peter’s Stuff comment on the Queensland Fruit Fly response by MPI (February 2020)

Also, the serious business of stink bugs - we do not want these invasive critters in our part of the world (February 2020).

Awards - Received Peter Ingram Memorial Award for services to pest plant education and management. New Zealand Biosecurity Institute  (July 2016).

Read all about it on page 14 of the link below

Peter has been busy lately volunteering with Predator Free Cambridge (building traps and engaging with people - (see photo) and Predator Free Tamahere, developing their predator control Operational Plan.


I'm also writing a BIOSECURITY book  


Trap building with the next generation, March 2023

"In Search of Ripping Good Biosecurity Yarns”

Career History

I have significant experience at a senior management level: having worked at the operational coalface for over 20 years. I’ve worked with the Waikato Regional Council, Department of Conservation and on national biosecurity advisory groups.  

My leadership responsibilities included: contractor and staff management of 16 people, writing strategy/policy and managing many diverse pest plant and pest animal operations, with an annual budget of $7M. My career highlights are summarised below.


Better Biosecurity Solutions Ltd, Director (consultant)


Waikato Regional Council: Biosecurity Operations Manager

2003 – 2015


  • ‘Ownership’ of group processes and initiatives, SOP development/implementation

  • Build and maintain relationships with wide range of internal/external groups

  • Planning and delivery of an expanding pest management programme ($7M per annum)

  • Management of nine staff and regionally based contractors (in total 16 FTE’s)


  • Leadership – played a large part in achieving a 10% increase in group staff satisfaction in 2013 Best Places to Work survey. Led development of group norms, mentoring and fostering team unity, pest plant team and whole of group (18 people).

  • Contract/process management – led and implemented contract development and renewal for $1.2M pest plant control programme, introducing 3 new contractors to programme. Commended by Audit NZ for having very robust contract/tender processes,

  • Delivering results – achieved ‘unbroken’ possum control across the north-west Waikato area (140,000 hectares). Took it from concept to completion, with guaranteed results to communities, through application of a ‘completer/finisher’ mentality, and

  • Initiative – e.g. developed a simple yet robust prioritisation process for Council Long Term Plan development. Applied over the last six years (to determine annual spend of $3.5M). Developed five successful business cases for latest council LTP processes.

Waikato Regional Council: Programme Manager, Animal Pests and Policy Analyst (concurrently)

1995 – 2003


  • Project lead and principal writer of first and second Regional Pest Management Plans (RPMP) - 1995/96 and 2001/02 (advisor/mentor in 2013/14 review)

  • Develop stakeholder network, focus on innovation, creativity and sharing of knowledge

  • Delivery and expansion of the animal pest control programme ($1.3M to $3M p.a.)

Major Achievements

  • Focused - successfully completed RPMP’s to time and council expectations,

  • Partnerships – took proactive, lead role in co-ordinating regional possum control. Held up by DOC Head Office as the ‘model for other regions to follow’

  • Enduring relationships developed with contractors and farming communities – through building excellent contract management competence and farmer confidence.

Qualifications and Professional Development

Master of Science

Geography, with Honours

Thesis topic: “Interacting Multi-scale Wind Systems in Westland National Park, New Zealand” – University of Canterbury (1987).

Bachelor of Science

major in Geography

With geology, biology and history. University of Canterbury (1985).

Leadership, Project Management & Related Training

Completed a wide range of in-house and external leadership, communications, project management, budgetary and IT related training. Key examples include:

  • Leadership and Influence in Organisation and Community: advanced leadership training, Anne Kilgour (2011-2013)

  • Shifting Gears – Continuous Improvement (2007)

  • Presented papers at conferences (USA, 2006 and NZ, 2003, 1995)

  • NZ Institute of Management- management and leadership courses (1996, 1999)

  • Certificate of Proficiency in Planning Law (RMA) – Canterbury University (1992)

Professional Membership

NZ Biosecurity Institute

Past chair—Central North Island Branch